Welcome to the Mount Kato Ski Patrol Ski Swap Item Entry

Every fall, the Mount Kato Ski Patrol holds a fundraiser to help support the patrol. The proceeds from the Annual Ski Swap allow patrollers to further their education and hone their skills as they relate to Outdoor Emergency Care, skiing and snowboarding skills, toboggan handling, etc. The swap is usually held near the end of October and lasts 3 days. This is the time for skiers and snowboarders from around the area to purchase new and used equipment and receive incredible deals. The Ski Patrol will help you to sell your used ski and/or snowboard equipment for a nominal fee. More information is available below.

Need help looking for ski boots, read this.

2024 Mount Kato Ski Patrol Ski Swap

Friday, October 25, 9:00AM – 8:00PM

Saturday, October 26, 8:00AM - 4:00PM
All times subject to change.

Sales Start at 4:00pm on Friday the 26th

Equipment Check-In Hours (sell your stuff)

Thursday, October 24, 12:00PM (noon) – 8:00PM
Friday, October 25, 9:00AM – 8:00PM

(See "How does it work? section below for more details.)

Equipment Check-Out Hours

The preferred times are as follows:
Saturday, October 26, 1:00PM – 5:00PM
Monday, October 28, 5:00PM – 8:00PM

(See "How does it work? section below for more details.)

How does it work?

  1. Dust off those old boots, skis, snowboards, helmets, car racks or whatever else you think some one might be interested in buying. There are some restrictions on what ski boots and ski bindings the ski patrol can sell. A list of indemnified bindings will be available at the swap check-in counter.
  2. Take a guess as to what price for which you would like to sell your items. If you want to get rid of it, then think low. Remember, most people come to the Swap looking for a deal; the cheaper you mark it, the better chance you'll have of getting rid of it. You can also check Craigslist or Ebay for comparable items and what they are selling for. Be sure to check closely for the actual sale prices not just the listing prices.
  3. Bring your items to Mount Kato during the dates and time of check-in listed above. The Mount Kato Ski Patrol charges a $3.00 handling fee for every item you ask us to sell for you. This amount is due when you drop off your item. The volunteers at check-in will take all of your information and enter it into our database. You'll get a username and login for your account, and then a label for each item. After that, check our website periodically over the 2 days of the swap. You will be able to tell if your item sells.
  4. If your items sells, great! We send you a check for the total of your item minus 15% of the sale, which the Ski Patrol keeps. If your item has not sold, check the pickup times above. If you are not able to pick up your item at any of those times email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the specifics. If we do not hear from you within 1 week following the swap, your item will be considered a donation. The ski patrol may sell your item, or dispose of it accordingly and retain any and all funds from the sale of your item.
  5. DO NOT CALL Mt. Kato and ask about your items. The staff of Mt. Kato do not deal with your items. They are considered the responsibility of the Mt. Kato Ski Patrol. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions or concerns.

I'm interested in participating in the swap, now what do I do?

Save some time waiting in line by entering your items into the online database before coming out to drop them off!

If you are an Individual, you may sign up and then enter your items for the ski swap by clicking on Individual Login below. You will have to remember your ID Number so make sure to have a paper and pencil handy or print off the page when you finish signing up. Note: You may return at any time and enter more items or view the items already entered by entering your User ID and Password.