The Swap will be upstairs in the chalet!
Entry will only be allowed through the south entrance by the rental shop. 

We will be monitoring the number of people allowed in to shop at a time. If we feel the area is too crowded to shop effectively then we reserve the right to limit entry numbers at any time for peoples safety.

The 2024 Ski Swap Sale October 25th & 26th


Equipment Check-In: October 24 (noon-8pm) & 25 (8am-5pm)

Swap Sale: October 25 (4:00pm-8pm'ish) & October 26 (8am-4pm)

Equipment Pick-Up: October 26 (1pm-5pm) & October 28 (5pm-8pm)

Any equipment not picked up by 8pm the final day will be considered a donation and the Ski Patrol will dispose of the items.

(New terms and conditions apply for those selling items. Please see the "Ski Swap" page for details.)



If you are selling your gear, the check-in table will be near the double doors. It may be outside. 

The lines for selling items and buying items are separate. You will not be allowed on the sales floor to check prices. Please check places like Ebay and Craigslist for similar prices on your items. We will be checking bindings for indemnification onsite. Not all ski bindings are allowed to be sold at our swap. If the exact binding model is not on the list we have then we will not allow it to be sold at the swap.


Welcome to the Mount Kato Ski Patrol

Proudly servicing the Mount Kato Ski Area

Click around and see what you find. We are a fun group of people who enjoy skiing and snowboarding, and take pride in assisting injured skiers and snowboarders. All of our patrollers go through extensive training in Outdoor Emergency Care. (The Mount Kato Ski Patrol is an all volunteer service that services the Mount Kato Ski Area.) If you are interested in joining our patrol, click on the "What it takes" link. Every October we hold a Ski Swap, where the public as well as vendors can bring their winter sports equipment (new and used) to the area and the Ski Patrol will help sell it. Click the Ski Swap link to learn more.

2024 Ski Patrol Candidate Classes have started

If you're interested in becoming a Mount Kato Ski Patroller contact us soon for class info. Click the Contact Us tab above. All potential candidates must be signed up in advance by September 1st to ensure we have enough candidates to hold the classes.


Congratulations and Thank You to Rich Krause, Tom Wyrowski, and Judy Westphal
for 30 years of service to Mount Kato!